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Responsive Bodywork

Responsive Bodywork Certification

Learn the basics of subtle body communication, as you attend to your clients’ needs through responsive touch. All bodywork therapists (of any modality) are welcome to deepen their tactile perceptive ability, increase sensitivity to inherent body rhythms, assist with ‘spontaneous tissue release’ through movement, and efficiently locate hidden sources of pain patterns. Much of this work is based on fine-tuning our tactile abilities to the higher frequencies of perception, to consciously discern what our hands are being ‘asked’ to do by the client’s body. We will uncover the mechanics behind what was previously thought of as mere intuition, and recognize the processes at work in order to respond appropriately. 

15 hour Responsive Bodywork Certification:

15 hours class instruction, highly experiential


Tactile Function in Bodywork; the Difference Between Intuition and Responsive Bodywork; Client-Body Communication; Therapist-Body Communication; Kinesthetic Signs of Being ‘Pulled In’; Kinesthetic Sign of Being ‘Bounced Off’; Depth of Techniques; Kinesthetic Communication Model; Efficiency-Tracking in a Session; ‘Sourcing’ a Problem Area; Beginning a Session; Scanning Technique using Hands; Scanning Technique Using Whole Body Awareness; Proprioception-Feeling through Tissues and Space; ‘Glide and Stick’ Technique; Body Listening, Safety and Boundaries; Importance of Client Feedback .


Pre-requiste: Certification or Diploma in a form of Bodywork Therapy or as a Professional Healthcare Provider who uses hands-on treatment.


Certificate Awarded: Following class instruction: Certificate of Attendance attesting to 15 hours of training


Format/Tuition: 2 days, $260



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